Hosting (Barındırma) PHP Ayarlarını Değiştirme

Hosting (Barındırma) firmanız izin vermişse PHP ayarlarını .htaccess dosyasına yazarak kendinize uygun hale getirebiliyorsunuz.


  • php_flag safe_mode on
  • php_value session.cookie_lifetime 86400
  • php_value upload_max_filesize 16M

satırlarında yazılanları .htaccess dosyasına girerek istediğiniz değerleri ayarlayabilirsiniz.

Bu değerlerin varsayılanların neler olduğunu öğrenmek için aşağıdaki kodu içeren bir php dosyası oluşturup onu çalıştırmalısınız:

<?php phpinfo();?>


Jenaya, 2013/03/15 10:46

Super informative wirting; keep it up.

Savion, 2013/03/15 10:46

I have exactly what info I want. Check, plaese. Wait, it's free? Awesome!

Kailey, 2012/12/07 15:34

You've got to be kddinig me-it's so transparently clear now!

Sean, 2012/12/06 15:58

right on THEIR own site that it was 5.95/month, and I'd been using them to host for many years, at the same rate. They tried to say the cost of hosting has gone up (BS) and I repeild then why did it tell NEW customers 5.95/mo? At that point, they rescinded the attempt to charge me more (probably they think people won't pay attention, and probably most people don't.) and renewed for two years at the 5.95 rate (I'd have to double check, but I'm pretty sure that's what they offer. They also have lots of things that I don't need, but at the time, thought I would find useful, BBS or some kind of posting board (which got so full of spam within days I nuked it) and a Gallery, plus a marketplace (If I knew how to use one, lol) with daily virus checking, and some other things like a site builder, or a select from this style' auto-site. Originally I had an entry screen, just tried to find it and I can't remember what I renamed it to when I did the redirect directly to the blog. I spent hours in Photoshop and Painter making headers and menus, but nobody ever read anything, so I figured why bother, when 90% of sites at that time were blogs (the new thing). So I went to WordPress and that's what is there now, pretty much as it has been from the start, I think. Pic App was a picture generating application that evidently went belly up, because none of the pictures from there are showing, and slowly I'm having to weed through and remove them. It was a site that let you put non-licensed images onto your site using specific key words, and worked well for about a year, then I noticed the pictures didn't match what they should, and now it shows just a no image placeholder, which is annoying but the least of my worries, so, lol. (And you couldn't PAY me to use GoDaddy, even if I do like Danica Patrick, lol)Right now my frustration is that WordPress changed, as did the hosting's control panel, and now the comments are not showing unless someone clicks on them (which I never do, when I go to blogs). I know there is some setting, somewhere, that lets people see all comments on all posts, but so far I haven't found it. By the way, if I did it right, I think I have made it so you don't need me to approve your comments, since besides for about four people, you're the only one I've had comment, lol. If it doesn't work, let me know, and I'll dig deeper, but also if you try to sell a system' (I'm assuming you aren't, but like I said, people have gotten a lot smarter these days, lol, and I'm paranoid), so if that did happen, I would set you back so I'd have to approve the comment. (Nothing personal and I'm pretty sure you'll understand).

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  • blog/hosting_php_ayarları.txt
  • Son değiştirilme: 2019/05/08 21:25
  • (Dışarıdan düzenle)